NTAHC - Northside
Residents of Northside and River Oaks
checkups, treatment, pregnancy care (where applicable), immunizations and child care (where applicable), prescription medicine and mental and substance abuse where applicable.
Adult Primary Care, Pediatric Care, OB/GYN, Family Planning, Immunizations, Health Education, Laboratory services, and low cost
prescriptions.Sliding scale payment model
Nothing is specifically required
Proof of income, such as W2 can be helpful.
ID/proof of insurance, if applicable, are also useful.
2332 Beverly Hills Dr, Fort Worth, TX 76114
M: 7:20am-7pm
T: 7:20am-7pm
W: 7:20am-7pm
R: 7:20am-7pm
F: 7:20am-6:30pm
(817) 625-4254
(817) 378-0861